

Markets: Automotive

Applications: Exterior

DMA E' onset Tg: 151

Cure Range: 130

Shelf Life -18°: 12 months

Outlife 21°: 4 weeks

Process: Autoclave

X1-151 is a controlled flow epoxy resin system designed for versatile temperature cure to manufacture composite components requiring a high quality cosmetic finish.
X1-151 provides a good tack and handleability over its 4-week out life. It can be processed via autoclave cure, vacuum bag only cure and press cure.
X1-151 offers great Tg after suitable cure cycles, a DMA Tg of over 150°C is observed with standard 130°C cure.
X1-151 exhibits very good stability under UV and thermal exposure. With Microtex aesthetic fabrics, X1-151 offers excellent aesthetic appearance and surface finish.
X1-151 is supplied on a range of lightweight surface plies and some heavier weight reinforcements.