Article Areal weight (gr/sqm) Weave Fibre Warp threads/cm* Weft threads/cm* Standard width (mm) Thickness (mm)** Resin Compatibility*** Sheet
GG 200 T 200 Twill 2/2 6K T800 4.5 4.5 1250 0.23 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 265 T 265 Twill 2/2 12K-MR70 3.2 3.2 1000 0.27 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 290 P 290 Plain 24K MR 60H 1.5 1.5 1250 0.29 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 370 P 370 Plain 24K MR 60H 1.9 1.9 1250 0.38 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 380 T 380 Twill 2/2 24K MR 60H 1.9 2 1250 0.41 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 630 T 630 Twill 2/2 24K MR 60H 3.2 3.2 1250 0.65 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 80 WS 80 Plain 12K 0.5 0.5 1000 0.08 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 100 WS 100 Plain 15K 0.5 0.5 1000 0.12 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 193 WS 193 Plain 12K 1.25 1.25 1250 0.2 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 200 WS 200 Plain 12K 1.25 1.25 1000 0.22 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 52 WS 52 Plain HM M46J-5mm Tow width 1.9 1.9 1000 0.07 Epoxy Product Sheet
GG 63 WS 63 Plain HTS 600 -5mm Tow width 1.9 1.9 1000 0.08 Epoxy Product Sheet
GT 180 R 180 Net 2x2 cm 24K 1.5 1 1000 N/A Epoxy Product Sheet
GT 200 R 200 Net 5x5 cm 12K 2.5 2.5 1100-1550-1800 N/A Epoxy Product Sheet

* Threads count tolerance/cm ± 3%
**Thickness value is approximate and depends on the resin content in the laminate.
*** Compatibility with other matrix is subject to check and approval from our technical department