Article Markets Applications DMA E' onset Tg Cure Range Shelf Life -18° Outlife 21° Process Sheet
MEX 116 N/A Expanding syntactic film.
Closed mould lay-up applications.
N/A 125-140 12 months 6 weeks N/A Product Sheet
SF-151 N/A Epoxy surface film for automotive parts
that provides an excellent surface finish.
N/A 80-140 12 months 3 weeks N/A Product Sheet
AF-121 N/A Adhesive film with minimum curing temperature at 80°C,
suitable for both autoclave and OoA process.
N/A 80-135 12 months 4 weeks N/A Product Sheet
AF-120 N/A General purpose film adhesive;
for composite/metal bonding and for co-curing of sandwich structures.
N/A 120-140 12 months 3 weeks N/A Product Sheet
SF-150 Automotive Exterior - 80-140 12 months 4 weeks Autoclave Product Sheet