Article Areal weight (gr/sqm) Weave Fibre Warp threads/cm* Weft threads/cm* Standard width (mm) Sheet
LI 150 UD 100 FLAX 300 TEX 150 Unidirectional - twill 2/2 Flax 300 tex - Flax 67 tex 4 3.7 1000 Product Sheet
LI 200 UD 150 FLAX 500 TEX 212 Unidirectional - Twill 2/2 Flax 500 tex - Flax 62 tex 4 2 1500 Product Sheet
LI 200 T 100 FLAX 300 200 Twill 2/2 Flax 300 tex - flax 300 tex 3.3 3.3 1000 Product Sheet
LI 285 T 180 NM 16000 285 Twill 16000/1 Nm lungo tiglio - 16000/1 Nm lungo tiglio 20 24 1800 Product Sheet
LI 360 T 150 FLAX 500 360 Twill Flax 500 tex - Flax 500 tex 3.6 3.6 1270 Product Sheet
LI 500 T 100 FLAX 500 500 Twill 4/4 Flax 500 tex - Flax 500 tex 5 5 1000 Product Sheet

*Threads count tolerance/cm ± 3%
**Thickness value is approximate and depends on the resin content in the laminate.
***Compatibility with other matrix is subject to check and approval from our technical department