
Composite materials are great allies in the Building Sector, they combine unique features that ensure better performance than traditional materials.

Lightness and resistance are the main ones, but also dimensional stability and creative freedom, with the possibility to achieve any shape. The evolution of the Building industry is closely linked to the capacity to adopt innovative and sustainable solutions. In this scenario, composite materials emerge as protagonists, taking a central role in redefining the perspectives of the sector.
The lightweight and durable characteristics of Microtex Composites materials can be also used for the reinforcement of damaged structures and for the development of future scenarios for sustainable renewal. The field of consolidation, restoration and renovation of structural elements in the building sector is one of the most important sectors for the use of composite materials.
The application of advanced composites in civil engineering and architecture can reveal many opportunities by offering superior performances to any traditional material in terms of lightness, stiffness, resistance and anti-corrosion properties.

Standard Products

Upon request we can develop customized products

Multiaxial Fabrics

Article Weight (gr/sqm) reinforcement Weave Width Filament Lenght Width Weight distribution Sheet
GG 380 QX 380 Multiaxial +/ -45° / 0º -90° 1270 N/A 1270 95 g/mq for each direction Product Sheet

Carbon Net

Article Weight (gr/sqm) reinforcement Mesh Size (mmxmm) Width Fiber Mul (g/cm3) Moduls (Mpa) Tensile (Gpa) Elongation (%) Sheet
GT 160 RETE 24 K HS 160 25 x 25 500/1000/1250/1500 24K Carbon HS/ 116 Tex TPY 1600 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 200 RETE 12K HS 200 10 x 10 500/1000/1250/1500 12K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 800 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 88 RETE 12K HS 88 20 x 20 500/1000/1250/1500 12K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 800 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 44 RETE 12K HS 44 20 x 20 500/1000/1250/1500 12K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 800 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet

Stitched unidirectional carbon fabrics

Article Weight (gr/sqm) reinforcement Mesh Size (mmxmm) Width Fiber Mul (g/cm3) Moduls (Mpa) Tensile (Gpa) Elongation (%) Sheet
GT 300 U 12K HS 300 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 12K Carbon HS/ 116 Tex TPY 800 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 300 U 24K HS 300 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 24K Carbon HS/ 116 Tex TPY 1600 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 300 UD 12K HM 300 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 12K HM Carbon fiber / 116 Tex TPY 600 375 4410 1,1 Product Sheet
GT 400 UD 12K HM 400 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 12K HM Carbon fiber / 116 Tex TPY 600 375 4410 1,1 Product Sheet
GT 400 UD 12K HS 400 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 12K HS Carbon fiber / 116 Tex TPY 800 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 400 UD 24K HS 400 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 24K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 1600 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 600 UD 24K HS 600 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 24K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 1600 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 600 UD 50K HS 600 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 50K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 3750 242 4137 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 800 UD 24K HS 800 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 24K Carbon HS/TPY / 116 Tex TPY 1600 240 4900 1,7 Product Sheet
GT 800 UD 50K HS 808 N/A 80/100/500/1000/1250 50K Carbon HS/TPY 116 Tex GLCoPa 3750 242 4137 1,7 Product Sheet


We promote initiatives and develop increasingly eco-sustainable techniques, methods, and materials. But we don't do it all alone! Our production chain partners play a very important role.
And how do we do it? We offer a range of sustainable reinforcements to minimize the environmental impact.

Article Weight fiber reinforcement (gr/sqm) Weave - Mesh size Fiber Warp thr/cm Weft thr/cm Width (mm) Sheet
LT 245 RETE 1000 TEX 10/10 200 Mesh size 10 × 10 Flax 500 tex - 116 Tex TPY 1 1 100 Product Sheet
LI 200 UD 150 FLAX 500 TEX 212 Unidirectional - Twill 2/2 Flax 500 tex - Flax 62 tex 4 2 1500 Product Sheet
LI 150 UD 100 FLAX 300 TEX 150 Unidirectional - Twill 2/2 Flax 300 tex - Flax 67 tex 4 3,7 1000 Product Sheet